Post by Wazo on Nov 12, 2008 20:01:09 GMT -5
I thought it would be nice to put apprentices and kits here you need a warrior name for and have people help you brainstorm.
I know this happens on the side chat at times, but it would be helpful for me to have a thread
So right now I have...
Bearpaw-Bearstep, Bearspirit, Bearheart
Fawnpaw-Fawnstep, Fawnspot
Tigerkit-Tigerstripe, Tigerstone, Tigerstep
Frostkit Frostpool, Froststream, Frostflower
Fernpaw Fernleaf, Fernbranch, Fernroot
Just some ideas but I need help coming up with others ^ ^
Post by __ S K Y E on Nov 12, 2008 23:28:01 GMT -5
... erm. erm.
Bearreh -- Bearclaw, Bearshot, Bearcloud, Sunnybear, Bearfall, Beartooth, Bearknife Fawnpaw -- Fawnleaf, Dappledfawn, Fawnheart, Fawnbear, Fawnsky Tigerkit -- Tigerstripe, Tigercall, Tigerlily, Tigerheart, Tigerfrost, Tigerpad Frostkit -- Frostpool (there's already a Frostedpool...), Frostdust, Frostglow, Frostwinter, Frostheart Fernpaw -- Fernclaw, Fernwillow, Fernwing, Fernstreak, Ferndapple
eew. I hate them all. D; sowwy.
mm, how about my charries?
Cinderpaw -- Cinderflame, Cinderburst, Cinderfire, Cinderglow, Cindercomet (xD)... Hopepaw -- uh...
Post by D a R K - R a H on Nov 13, 2008 0:03:33 GMT -5
Bearpaw- I like Bearspirit, Bearheart, Beartooth, and Bearclaw. Fawnpaw- I really like Fawnspot. Frostkit & Tigerkit- How can you possibly choose their warrior names now? We scarcely know their personalities. What if the kit becomes completely different before their warrior ceremony and the name no longer suits them at all? Fernpaw- Fernpatch, Fernmoss, Fernpelt(kinda boring, but after Leafpelt, a dead BrookClanner), Ferngaze, Fernheart(wasn't that Fernstar's warrior name, though?)...
Cinderpaw- Of those, I like Cinderglow best, followed by Cinderflame and Cinderfire. Cinderdust, Cinderstreak, Cinderstripe, Cinderclaw, Cinderstone? Hopepaw- It sounds kinda depressing, but I really like the sound of Hopefall. Hopeheart, Hopecall, Hopefire...
My own: Cometpaw- Cometburst, Cometfall, Cometfire, Cometstreak, Cometstrike, Cometstar(you have to admit, it as a certain charm to it XD), Cometheart... Dreampaw- Dreamrain, Dreamthorn (After her parents)... Dreampool, Dreampatch, Dreameye, Dreamgaze, Dreamfall, Dreamdaze, Dreamheart....? Wishpaw- Wishheart, Wishspirit, Wishclaw, Wishsun, Wishcloud, Wishsky... (A tom, mind you.) Deerpaw- Deerjump, Deerstride, Deerspot?
Post by Raven-chan on Nov 13, 2008 0:40:42 GMT -5
Bearpaw- Bearstep, Beartooth, and Bearspirit are my faves so far. Fawnpaw- I'd have to say that I truly love Fawnstep or Fawnspot. Frostkit & Tigerkit- I don't know, I agree with Dark-rah, we should get to know them better first. Fernpaw- Ferngaze and Fernmoss are the only two I can come up with that suit my taste.
Cinderpaw- Well, I like Cinderflame and Cinderglow, personally. Hopepaw- Yeesh, I just realized that Dark-rah and I have similar taste. Hopefall and Hopecall are my two faves here.
Rootpaw- Well, so far I have two that I like so far. Rootpatch and Rootstep. Stagpaw- The ones that have gained my approval are Stagwind, Stagheart, and Stagwing...maybe Stagfall...
Post by Stormeh on Nov 13, 2008 5:39:46 GMT -5
Bearpaw- Bearheart, Bearclaw, Beartooth, and Bearnose, maybe? I can't think of any others...
Fawnpaw- Fawnspot, Fawnstep, Fawnleap, Fawnleaf.
Tigerkit- Tigerflame, Tigernose, Tigerstripe, Tigerstrike
Frostkit- Frostleaf, Frostflower, Frostbloom, Frostclaw, Frostsky
Fernpaw- Fernleaf, Ferntendril, Fernflower, Fernmoss, or Fernpool would be nice.
Cinderpaw- Cinderglow is great. =D I love that one.
Hopepaw- Depending on what happens, Hopecall or Hopefall could define her really well...like tragedy could be Hopefall and something good could be Hopecall.
I think I've pretty much got all of my cats' names picked out, but I'm not 100% sure about about Gorsepaw...
Gorsepaw- Gorseclaw, Gorsegaze, Gorsesnag [haha, I don't know], Gorseshadow...
Post by Wazo on Nov 17, 2008 4:08:02 GMT -5
I think I like Fawnspot best, so that will probably be her name. I'm still thinking about Fernpaw and Bearpaw, I like the names but nothing has really struck me yet.
I like Cometburst, Cometfall, you could do Comet-tail XD lol
Cinderglow is awesome.
I like Dreamdaze or Dreamgaze
Umm you could do Gorsebranch? Or...Gorsethorn, or Gorseclaw
Stagstride or Stagstep could also work
Rootpaw is hard, hmm
|| TrUtH ||
Everyone seems to be looking for me. But I'm right here!!!
Posts: 18
Post by || TrUtH || on Nov 19, 2008 17:26:36 GMT -5
Bearpaw- I like Bearspirit Fawnpaw- Fawndew, Fawnpelt, Fawngaze, Fawnstep
Fernpaw- Fernflash, Ferntail, Fernstep
Cinderpaw- I like Cinderglow...how about Cinderburst Hopepaw- I don't like Hopefall, actually. I like Hopebreeze and Hopewish but others I thought of were Hopesong, Hopeleap, Hopeflicker, Hopefeather, Hopeflight, and Hopestep
Cometpaw- I like Cometfire and Cometfall. Dreampaw- I like Dreampool. I also like Dreamchase, Dreamcatch, Dreamgaze and Dreamheart. Wishpaw- Hm. How about Wishstorm or Wishleaf? Deerpaw- Deerheart, Deerstep, Deerpelt, Deerchase, Deerblaze (mm, venison), Deerstorm
Rootpaw- Rootbeer xD jk jk, Rootstep, Rootfire, Rootcloud, Rootclaw, Rootleaf, Rootmeadow (dunno if it's a tom) Rootforest, Rootberry
Me? I have no apprentices yet D:
Post by [ YARG! ] on Nov 20, 2008 21:36:18 GMT -5
bear: bearcrawl :3 bearcry
fern: ferncrawl, ferntangle, fernfrond, fernbrush
cinder: cinderfire, cinderglow cindershower, cindersplash
hope: hopespark, hopewish
comet: cometstreak, cometfall, cometshower
dream: dreamcatcher, dreamsight, dreamgaze, dreamrain, dreampool, dreamshower, dreamflight...
wish: wishpool, wishclover, [like... fourleaf clover?] wishember, wishflame, wishtrap
deer: I like deerchase, deerleap, deergrace
root: root-tangle, I like rootpatch, rootstem [sounds nice - dunno how it works] rootcrawl, rootcatch -shrugs-
stag: stagpride, stagwind, stagstride, stagmarch, stagleap, stagreach
fawn: fawnspot, fawndapple, fawnsplash, fawnsketch, fawnstep, fawndance...
gorse: gorsetangle
how about:
Staticpaw: Staticspark, Staticshock, Static...
or [possibly] missionpaw: [?] sheetpaw: [?] glasspaw: [?] royalpaw: [?] floralpaw: Floralwind, floralscent, floralbreeze... o-o
Post by D a R K - R a H on Nov 22, 2008 14:15:13 GMT -5
bearpaw- my favorites are bearcry and bearspirit. fernpaw- so far, i like fernpatch[for her patched fur] and ferngaze. more: fernstreak, fernstroke[like the gentle touch of a soft fern frond]... and, if you find you still can't make that prefix work, switch 'fern' to the suffix: brightfern, snowfern, whitefern, littlefern... cinderpaw- i think we all agree that we really like cinderglow. whatcha think, skye? hopepaw- my favorites are hopefall, hopspark, and hopeflower.
cometpaw- i've chosen cometstreak. it suits her personality and appearance very well. dreampaw- for this one, i've chosen dreamgaze for her mis-matched eyes. wishpaw- i'm torn between: wishsun and wishfire. i think wishsun might suit his personality better. deerpaw- still pretty partial to deerjump, but i also like deerchase and deersplash.
rootpaw- i like rootpatch[for his patched fur] and rootstep[for his long legs]. stagpaw- staghorn, stagcall, stagjump, stagstride, stagheart. fawnpaw- i agree wazo, fawnspot is my favorite. gorsepaw- gorsetangle and gorsesnag. staticpaw- staticjump, staticstrike, staticspark, staticfire... staticshock makes me think of this superhero show my brother used to watch...
as for your others, yargeh, i like royalblaze, missonstrike and floralwind.