Post by D a R K - R a H on Apr 27, 2008 14:10:28 GMT -5
Call me as you please[/blockquote]SEE ME AT FACE VALUE--but my name is Falconpaw.
You can tell from my scentI'm a she-cat.
A determining factorI've aged only ten moons.
Home is where your heart isand my heart belongs to TealClan.
As my age suggestsI am but a mere apprentice.
This light peltDEEP WITHIN ME--xx
Falconpaw would be considered very pretty if her shy personality didn't make her blend into the background. Her coat is mid-length, showing the longest along her tail and belly.
I succeed atstrengths
But I fail whenweaknesses
This is just the way I amShy. Quiet. Most would sum her up in those two single words. Indeed, Falconpaw is quite opposite of her name and remains very introverted. She doesn't speak very much, especially around those she doesn't know very well. With her clan she usually doesn't feel the need to speak much, perfectly happy soaking in their presence. Around others, though, she remains very silent. At a Gathering, you'll be lucky to get a word out of her.
My heart springs with joy+ Emberpaw-- her cousin. Despite their differences in personality, the two she-cats are the best of friends. Emberpaw is the only one Falconpaw is brave enough to speak openly around.
+ Wolfstep-- Falconpaw has a crush on this particular tom. Where to others Wolfsep blends into the background, she notices everything he does. She loves he way he's gentle and quiet. She's fascinated by the way he always seems to survive deadly situations. All the same, she mourns his pain at being the cause of multiple cats' deaths. She does recognize the way Wolfstep acts around Sunstreak. She has little doubt that the warrior tom has feelings for the pretty ginger, but she still can't help but like him.
+ Mice-- A very common treat in the forest, they're Falconpaw's favorite food. She knows that others like more exotic food, but that doesn't stop her from enjoying every mouse she eats-- even if it makes her seem very plain.
+ Day-dreaming-- Like a classic TealClanner, Falconpaw is a day-dreamer. She fantasizes about various things, from mentoring a kit someday, to have kits of her own, to Wolfstep saving her from some kind of menace.
+ Skypaw-- Although she doesn't like like him, Falconpaw is still fond of her fellow apprentice. He's the only tom apprentice and Falconpaw finds it interesting to see things from his point of view. He's calm and quiet, like she is, and she likes that. Sometimes he understands her when even Emberpaw doesn't.
My frown grows deeper- Arguing-- Falconpaw almost never argues herself, but she hates it when two cats she knows argues, especially when it's friends.
- The Druids-- Strangely enough, the tribe-like group of cats somewhat frightens Falconpaw. She doesn't like what she's heard about how they live more spread out than the Clanners. She would hate to be separated from her denmates like the Druids separate their Listeners.
- Loosing Clanmates-- Although she has always accepted not having parents, Falconpaw is sub-consciously terrified of loosing any of her clanmates.
- Fighting-- Because she is terrified of loosing a clanmate, she also feels bad for anyone who does. She doesn't like fighting because people get hurt and even die.
- Leaf-bare-- Although her coat is generally thick enough to keep her warm, Falconpaw doesn't like the coldness of winter. She dislikes the forlorn look of the trees without their leaves and even more so hates the lack of life around her.
Not a very long taleGUIDED COMPLETELY--Falconkit was born on a stormy night. Her mother, although she loved her very much, didn't spend much time with her kit. The clan whispered it was because the queen's mate had died before even learning of his unborn kits. Falconkit's brother was a handsome brown tabby who was given the name Cliffkit. The two kits were nursed by their aunt alongside their single cousin Emberkit, who was born some two moons before them. Their mother came to see them at least once a day, though, watching her kits with only the faintest hint of pride. As they neared the age to open their eyes, she was pursuaded to stay with them for several days straight, impressing her image and scent on them as her kits.
One day, the mother was out hunting alone when a yowl reached her ears. She was one of the few out and about in the early morning air and ran to see what it was. One of TealClan's apprentices, a young tom named Wolfpaw, was being chased up a tree by a fox. The tom was still very young, though, and his claws weren't strong enough to pull him high enough from the deadly creature. The warrioress lunged forward without a second thought. She held the fox off until a group of warriors came to drive it off. By then, she's sustained terrible wounds. She died before being able to say goodbye to her kits.
As if in response to his mother's death, Cliffkit slowly withered away, changing from a strong young kit to a tiny weakling. He caught sick and died a slow death. Falconkit was kept away from him in his last quarter moon and remained as strong as ever. She became the best of friends with her cousin Emberkit; they were often inseparable. It was terrible for her when Emberkit became an apprentice and Falconkit was forced to wait another two moons.
When Falconpaw had been an apprentice for less than a moon, she mourned with her cousin when her aunt and uncle died. They had gone side-by-side and that eased the young cats' pain greatly.
As an apprentice, Falconpaw quickly took notice of a young tom recently-named Wolfstep. She had no way of knowing he'd been responsible for her mother's death. Nor did she really care. She took one look at him and fell head over heals.
Anything elseother
See me as I amroleplay example
You really should knowI is not done yet.