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No New Posts News

Be sure to check here often for important updates! Everything from kits to important plot updates.

9 45 Help, I beg of you...
by Diamond
Feb 8, 2009 16:35:52 GMT -5
No New Posts Random Chatting - 1 Viewing

A pwnfully awesome board, feel free to discuss just about everything here!

10 55 .sad.ness. [</3]
by Wazo
Mar 1, 2009 21:48:08 GMT -5
No New Posts The Hidden Hollow

A little place hidden away from the eyes and ears of the general public; a very special place indeed. Here staff gather to discuss things that, I assure, would seem quite boring to the average roleplayer. Most things are technical discussions or deciding on plots and updates. Special, but at the same time very mundane.
(I just now noticed we didn't have one of theses...)

1 4
No New Posts Advertising and Affiliating

Self-explanitory. Guests welcome.

Affiliating:// OPEN

76 78 Another Warrior RP
by AWRP Creator
Nov 26, 2012 16:02:48 GMT -5
No New Posts Support - 1 Viewing

Got an idea to help Taragoff become a better site? Feel free to tell us!

Or, need help with something? Post here for the support of your fellow roleplayers.

(Guests allowed.)

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No New Posts Rules

Perhaps the most imporant board on the entire site. Know every thread like the back of your hand, whether or not it applies to you right now. Refresh your memory often, as something may change.

2 2 Leader Rules
by Raven-chan
Oct 15, 2007 19:06:00 GMT -5
No New Posts Information - 1 Viewing

All general information shall be found here on the difference species, as well as groups. From customs to hunting styles, you can generally find any information you need in this here board.

Well, except religion. You'll have to click the board below this for all'a that information.

Sub-board: Rosters

11 16 Terms & Herbs
by D a R K - R a H
Nov 9, 2008 20:27:30 GMT -5
No New Posts Archives - 1 Viewing

All dead boards shall find themselves here eventually. They'll be organized as they're moved here, as to be easier to navigate.

93 745 homg. UBER PLOTNESS.
by Stormeh
Sept 30, 2008 5:33:37 GMT -5


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No New Posts Applications

Before you can begin roleplaying a character under any circumstances, its application must be accepted. The forms are built into the sub-boards.

12 12 it's the KING'S c r o w n [Royal - uf]
by [ YARG! ]
Nov 23, 2008 12:13:02 GMT -5
No New Posts Accepted Applications

After the staff members have approved you Application, it shall be moved here for storage.

Sub-boards: TealClan Cats, RavineClan Cats, CherryClan Cats, Druid Cats, BrookClan Cats, Others

82 226
No New Posts Classifieds - 2 Viewing

A series of sub-boards, varying from a queen's coming kits to the search for a mate to a need of a good plot.

Sub-boards: Musings, Litters, Personal Ads

5 28 Northwind/Tallstone's Kits
by __ S K Y E
Nov 13, 2008 21:10:13 GMT -5
No New Posts Character Logs

While your character's application is just to have the creature and your roleplaying skills accepted, this board is for more permanent reccords of your characters.

Read the rules before posting.

12 85 movie in {{ blackWHITE&&g r a y
by [ YARG! ]
Nov 23, 2008 12:19:47 GMT -5


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No New Posts Camp

At the base of several very large boulders, TealClan makes their home. The two boulders meet, making a sort of V between them. The nursery is under the boulders, in what used to be an underground streambed. The medicine den is located beneath the many branches of a fallen pine tree. Small lips have been dug out beneath the base of the two boulders, where the warriors sleep instead of a definitive den. The leader sleeps in a cleft in one boulder, with a roof that curves over it. Out in a cleared space of the "V" is a nice spot for a fresh-kill pile.

The open end of the V is surrounded by thick thorn bushes, too thick to push through. However, there is a secret entrance into the camp that only a TealClanner would know about. There's a small space between the boulders, just wide enough for a cat to slip through one at a time. A bramble grows in front of the entrance, keeping it hidden.

3 23 |xLIFEx| needs living
by Stormeh
Jan 16, 2009 17:12:14 GMT -5
No New Posts Along the Steep Shore

TealClan's territory is almost entirely a steep downward slope. Their upper territory is very thick woods, with many fallen pine trees and thick brambles. Down along the water, though, green grass grows and smooth boulders make for excellent fishing. The entire territory is criss-crossed with long-abandoned twoleg hiking trails.
At one place, three very large fallen trees have gotten stuck on the shore, creating a boxed-in area. This is a perfect place for apprentices to learn to fish or swim.

1 9 [Ecliped&Crow] Testing...Testing...1, 2, 3...Love?
by Stormeh
Jan 5, 2009 12:30:40 GMT -5


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No New Posts Camp - 1 Viewing

Once more, RavineClan finds their camp in a small ravine. What was once a streambed that cut into the ground is now where all of the clan lives. Most of the dens are beneath brambles or under the branches of the several fallen trees that have fallen into and over the ravine. The leader stands atop on of the fallen logs to adress the clan. The elders sleep in the shelter of a hollowed out log. The medicine cats find their den in an abandoned fox den.

5 51 Morning's First Light
by Wazo
Dec 23, 2008 22:20:23 GMT -5
No New Posts Through the Deep Woods

Similar to TealClan's territory, except flatter, RavineClan's territory is full of many pine trees with little space between them. Also in RavineClan territory is what used to be a twoleg campsite. Several rings of broken Thunderpath still remain, completely unused.

2 30 here we go [assessment thread]
by D a R K - R a H
Dec 14, 2008 17:11:41 GMT -5


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No New Posts Camp - 1 Viewing

Unlike the other two clan's camps, CherryClan's stands out like sore thumb. It's located in a small copse(clump of trees) out in the middle of a golden wheat field. Despite it's open position, it is an easy camp to defend: the trees grow thorns on the outside, with only two carefully-hidden entrances into the mostly-hollow center. The different dens are located under small roofs woven from twigs and brambles. The leader addresses the clan from an open area in the center of the camp.

2 22 What a day.
by Raven-chan
Nov 12, 2008 19:27:35 GMT -5
No New Posts Prairies of Gold

Mostly fields of brilliant golden wheat, leftover from when the twolegs still claimed Taragoff, CherryClan's land is similar to their old home. Pine trees are scattered about, particularly around each of CherryClan's borders. Rabbits and grouse are the most common prey, although songbirds, squirrels and other rodents are plenty as well. Water runs through several small and murky springs, as well as one larger, clear stream along their far border with TealClan.

2 14 Time to train (Petaldance and Fawnpaw)
by Diamond
Nov 14, 2008 16:58:01 GMT -5

T H E __ D R U I D S

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No New Posts Peace of Horseplace - 1 Viewing

What was formerly a campground where twolegs could bring their horses is now the heart of the Druids' territory. Lush pines give them a far-off roof, dappling the ground in spots of sun. Bits of fallen walls and long-desolate buildings remain, standing guard over the place where the Druids make their dens.

1 9 Starting Off
by Stormeh
Aug 31, 2008 5:54:51 GMT -5
No New Posts In the Tree's Shadows - 1 Viewing

A lovely forest area where the Druids can hunt and patrol. A stream runs through the middle of it all, an excellent place to get a drink, wade, or catch the occasional fish. Druids train their Listeners in a small clearing not far from the stream.

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No New Posts Watching Over

High in Silverpelt, the dead cats of StarClan turn their gaze down upon thier beloved living. From here they can watch them forever and help where needed.

1 6
No New Posts Dream Visiting

Here StarClan cats walk through the dreams of living cats. This place can take many shapes, depending on the StarClanner or the living cat.

This isn't where leaders or medicine cats speak to StarClan. See the "The Far Shore" board is for that.

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No New Posts Borders - 1 Viewing

A board where all groups and clans can meet at their borders, whether on patrol, or sneaking into another's land.

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No New Posts The Great Tree - 1 Viewing

A massive tree out in the middle of a field between
CherryClan and RavineClan's territory. Its great branches are a great place for the clanners to gather and share their news every full moon. The leaders sit in a cleared space where all the branches meet and all cats can see them.

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No New Posts The Far Shore - 1 Viewing

Follow a path just outside of TealClan's territory and it will take you up a steep hill and around the edge of the lake. Follow it far enough and you will find the Highcliffs, which leaders and medicine cats climb. At the very top is a flat clearing where cats can see out over the tops of the trees. Here leaders and medicine cats share tongues with StarClan.

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L E F T __ B E H I N D

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No New Posts Clan-claimed Land

A small amount of territory defended fiercely by the few remaining cats of BrookClan. Border patrols are sent out at least four times a day.

2 13
No New Posts Kolette's Territory

As the leader of the powerful fox pack that drove out most of the clanners, Kolette masters a great amount of territory. It is very rich in territory, making it very desirable to the BrookClanners.

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